Blame Obasanjo for Yar’Adua, Jonathan’s failure — Bakare


A young couple moved into a new neighbourhood. The next morning while eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbour through the window hanging the wash outside.

"That laundry is not clean," she said. "She doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap".

Her husband looked on, but remained silent. Every time the neighbour would hang laundry to dry, the young woman would make the same

About one month later, the woman was surprised to see nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband: "Look, she has learnt how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this!"

The husband replied: "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."

And so it is with life.

What we see when watching others depends on the purity of the window through which we look.

Easy to discuss other people, their lives and things that don't really concern us.

Yet we tend to forget- our window isn't that clean after all.

Clean up your window with the WORD! (THE TRUTH.)

LORD, please give us the strength, humility and courage that we may work on our faults first rather than seeing the faults in Others and castigating them.

Have a beautiful Week !

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Oct 11th 2015, 20:28

Bakare pictured with Buhari 
 The Serving Overseer of the Latter Rain Assembly,and President Buhari's one time presidential running mate, Pastor Tunde Bakare, spoke to Punch on why Former president, Olusegun Obasanjo should be blamed for Jonathan and Yar'Adua's failures....Excerpts below

Those eight years (Obasanjo spent as president) should have been formidable years of putting Nigeria upon a pedestal that nobody can reverse it. And above all, whether it is insecurity or selfishness, which is the greatest curse on the face of the earth, he gave the weak and the sick to the nation. Whatever happened during Umar Yar'Adua and Goodluck Jonathan era – yes, they will have their own portion of the blame – but Obasanjo thought he could manipulate things from Ota.
That is my opinion; that is my pain. He robbed this nation of quality leadership and he robbed this nation of being put on a pedestal of predictable progress. That should be his regret. Now, he should repent and contribute his quota towards giving quality leadership to this nation.
He did (mess things) big time; time will tell.
 On those jumping shop and claiming Ex president Jonathan failed to fight corruption, he said
I will put it this way: failure is an orphan, success has many fathers. I've seen in this country that we are quick to shoot the wounded.

If Jonathan did not accomplish much in the time he was president or vice president, I thank God for one thing: he did not allow a bloodbath in the process of handing over power. If he had decided to use all the powers at his disposal, he could still be unseated but there would have been bloodbath that was unnecessary and President Buhari alluded to that both in Washington—I was there with him when he made that statement—and here, when he received the baton in May. On October 1, he still alluded to it that he (Jonathan) saved Nigeria from an unnecessary bloodbath.
As for those who are talking, especially those he (Jonathan) looked up to as father figures; it's too soon to abandon a person, no matter what he has done wrong or right. Let the law take the full effect if he has done anything that borders on crime. I am not supporting abuse of office, but please, 'Do not rejoice over me, my enemy,' as the Bible says, 'because if I fall, I will rise again. The righteous man falls seven times; the Lord picks him up again.' What am I saying? I am trying to say, 'let's give credit where it is due and let's give correction that is necessary.' We must not shoot the wounded because we are now teaching future people to sit tight because of the shame that will come as a result of handing over power.


Revenge is a Poison meant for others, which we end up swallowing ourselves. Vengence is a Dark Light that blinds all who seek it. Don’t argue with Idiots.. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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