Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 14, 2015


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Oct 14th 2015, 23:00

Ben Wedeman, CNN: Israeli-Palestinian violence: What you need to know

Jerusalem (CNN)Over the past few weeks, violence in the decades long Israeli-Palestinian conflict has flared up.

Bloodshed is not unusual in this part of the Middle East but this particular wave of aggression -- stabbings as well as a shooting and driving into crowds -- is very different from rocket attacks or the orchestrated suicide bombings of the past.

The attacks have prompted widespread talk of a third Palestinian "intifada" or uprising.

Here's what you need to know.

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 14, 2015

Is the Third Intifada Underway? -- Kevin Sullivan, Real Clear World

In Israel, attacks fuel calls to separate from Palestinians -- Joshua Mitnick, CSM

Russia's Superpower Play: Putin Bets Big on Aggressive Syria Policy -- Spiegel Online

Putin's Tactical Gambles Are Paying Off (Op-Ed) -- Georgy Bovt, Moscow Times

Russia holds most of the cards as the situation changes in Syria -- The National

Why isn't Russia targeting ISIS in Syria? Because it never said it would -- Fred Weir, CSM

Erdogan Seizes Upon Ankara Bombing Errors -- Dorian Jones, VOA

Days after a suicide bombing, can Turkey pull back from the brink? -- Andrew Finkel, Reuters

How to Challenge China's New Islands? Carefully -- Bloomberg editorial

Which South China Sea Island Holds the Greatest Military Significance? -- Greg Austin, The Diplomat

Is China 'Losing' Southeast Asia? -- Joshua Kurlantzick, National Interest

India and Pakistan must compromise over Kashmir -- Shivam Vij, Al Jazeera

China's Changing North Korea Policy -- Young-june Chung, The Diplomat

On Obama's Korean table, much China -- Michael D, Mosettig, PBS Newshour

Putin's Fake Good News on the Economy -- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg

What Happens if Canada's Conservatives Lose? -- Miles, Foreign Policy

Blindside - U.S. Foreign Policy -- Luke M. Perez, Real Clear Defense


Revenge is a Poison meant for others, which we end up swallowing ourselves. Vengence is a Dark Light that blinds all who seek it. Don’t argue with Idiots.. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Source :


YOU CAN SKIP THIS PART(short joke)...

A young couple moved into a new neighbourhood. The next morning while eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbour through the window hanging the wash outside.

"That laundry is not clean," she said. "She doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap".

Her husband looked on, but remained silent. Every time the neighbour would hang laundry to dry, the young woman would make the same

About one month later, the woman was surprised to see nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband: "Look, she has learnt how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this!"

The husband replied: "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."

And so it is with life.

What we see when watching others depends on the purity of the window through which we look.

Easy to discuss other people, their lives and things that don't really concern us.

Yet we tend to forget- our window isn't that clean after all.

Clean up your window with the WORD! (THE TRUTH.)

LORD, please give us the strength, humility and courage that we may work on our faults first rather than seeing the faults in Others and castigating them.

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